
PVR75 Portable Thermal Camera

The  thermal imaging camera series adopt the fourth generation of uncooled focal plane infrared detector, the most advanced optics and electronic system, which have super high performance and smart shape.
The product has hard and sealed shell, inside is nitrogen, can repel rains and dusts and can work in harsh environment normally. This product can penetrate dusts, fog, rain, snow and darkness and provide clear images.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 北安市| 金平| 德清县| 中卫市| 石泉县| 民权县| 玛纳斯县| 商丘市| 昆山市| 宜州市| 章丘市| 阳西县| 普洱| 永年县| 青神县| 聂拉木县| 麻江县| 七台河市| 峨边| 城市| 上虞市| 喀喇沁旗| 嘉定区| 岳阳市| 博乐市| 曲麻莱县| 如皋市| 当阳市| 定结县| 卫辉市| 堆龙德庆县| 和田市| 天全县| 安达市| 邵阳市| 右玉县| 柏乡县| 阳高县| 筠连县| 油尖旺区| 静海县|